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SAFE and RELIABLE power system

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As part of Training VKES develops Electrical Guidelines, Training Videos after in depth research and consultation with various vendors and manufacturers.
VKES team regularly conducts Training programs in different places which is available at www.electricalguideline.com/Conference.html

Training Guidelines
Guideline for Earthing of AC
Guideline for Earthing of Buildings and Industrial plants

Earthing of  Solar PV system
         (Coming soon)

Earthing of  Pipelines
(Coming soon)

Earthing of  Transmission Lines
(Coming soon)

Lightning Protection
(Coming soon)

More than 250 guidelines to come please watch this space

Training Videos

Video 1 - Earthing of AC substation Basic Part -1, consist of basics about earthing Design in AC outdoor substation.  

Video 2- Earthing of AC substation (Tolerable step and Touch Voltage ) Part -2 covers about the tolerable step and touch voltage and also covers the correction factor Cs which needs to be used to modify the resistivity due to addition of gravel in a substation.

Earthing of AC substation- Design Calculation Example-1. Sample calculation is performed for  40kA rms fault current without division factor and fault duration of 1sec.  The Mesh voltage and Step voltage which are attained in a substation are determined.


Earthing of AC substation Part 4 - Design Calculation Example-2 Sample calculation is performed on 220kV substation with six Transmission lines connected to it, with fault contribution of each line of 3.5 kA. Two future lines are also considered. Hence 28kA rms fault current is considered. The 220kV Switchyard is protected by Bus bar differential protection. Tripping time is assumed as 100ms. The fault current division factor is calculated. Decrement factor is also calculated to take into account DC offset and asymmetrical current.  The Mesh voltage and Step voltage which are attained in a substation are determined.

More than 1250 videos to come please watch this space

More than 1250 videos to come please watch this space